Handley Breaux Designs | Antiques at the Gardens Floral Tastemaker: Buffy Hargett

Cheers to the weekend! I'm soaking up one last weekend before a six week streak of weddings, and enjoying this lovely weather! Today, we get to know floral designer Buffy Hargett a little bit better.

buffy hargett | birmingham botanical gardens | handley beaux designs | antiques at the gardens

Buffy was a photo stylist at Southern Progress for over 20 years and she brings a creative vibe to every project. Now, Buffy is all over the Birmingham wedding scene! Her work is organic in stye with an emphasis on specialty flowers paired with an interesting mix of textures and shapes. She loves grouping shades of one color for greater impact and a feeling of simple elegance.

handley breaux designs | buffy hargett |  floral tastemaker | birminghan wedding planner

Buffy loves using local seasonal flowers, fresh fruits, vegetables and berries on the vine. I really can't wait to see what she incorporates into the "Art of the Rose"! She finds inspiration on a trip to the farmers market. The beautiful colors, textures and unexpected combinations are everywhere!

buffy hargett | handley breaux designs | birmingham botanical gardens | antiques at the gardens

Of course I asked Buffy what her favorite rose is, and she said that she prefers the peach colored Campanella rose. And I had to ask...what is the crazies thing that she had ever seen?! I know that I get some pretty wild requests sometimes. She said that the craziest thing was a multi-tiered large arrangement in the middle of a swimming pool. 

Hopefully next week will be even better! We hope that you'll join us at the Antiques at the Gardens to see the "Art of the Rose"! For tickets, click HERE